Below are some of the stories and photos that I get from customers who wear and enjoy my work.
"I think I have worn my beautiful ring nearly every day since I got it several years ago. I wish I had a dollar for all the compliments I have had on it over the years....everyone notices it! My only hope is that those I have directed to Joanna are now the happy owners of another one of her stunning pieces!"
Vivian Thom - Vancouver - shown here speaking at an Arts Umbrella Event
Vivian Thom - Vancouver - shown here speaking at an Arts Umbrella Event

Here's a note from another collector who enjoys this ring too!

"When I asked my boys then 8 and 9, for ideas of what I should put in my Earth locket they right away decided to write their names on tiny little bits of paper and then they asked it they could tuck their names into the locket slot. I love having their names so close to my heart as a constant reminder for me to stay healthy and strong for them as they grow."
Lori - North Van

Here is a message about her Promise locket I received from Doctor Lillian Eess from Winnipeg.
"Sorry for not touching base. I meant to. I just keep too busy a life often
taking care of others yet I have made recent changes and I have also been busy taking care of myself (yoga, meditation, diet, sleep) which I believe is a prerequisite to being able to flourish into fully knowing and being myself.
I love the Promise turned out to be even more beautiful
and meaningful than I had dreamed. At all levels it speaks to me the
clacking sound I just love as it is a reminder to be present in whatever it is that I am doing.
Thank you so much for the beauty you have created with this locket and the pleasure and delight it brings to where I am in my life right now as I come to the end of this 61st year."
"Sorry for not touching base. I meant to. I just keep too busy a life often
taking care of others yet I have made recent changes and I have also been busy taking care of myself (yoga, meditation, diet, sleep) which I believe is a prerequisite to being able to flourish into fully knowing and being myself.
I love the Promise turned out to be even more beautiful
and meaningful than I had dreamed. At all levels it speaks to me the
clacking sound I just love as it is a reminder to be present in whatever it is that I am doing.
Thank you so much for the beauty you have created with this locket and the pleasure and delight it brings to where I am in my life right now as I come to the end of this 61st year."

Another note about the Promise Locket from Marjorie from North Vancouver
"I love my locket and chain. I am very pleased that I can adjust the length of the chain to match my outfit....
I chose the perfect locket for me at this time. I have come across more references that deal with "Know Thyself, Be Thyself". It's all very cool."
Here are two stories about the Treasured Locket!
My friend and fellow artist came to me overwhelmed by the recent loss of her brother. She needed to find some way to honour his life. We decided on the treasured locket, making a special space inside it to hold some of his ashes. The ashes were then sealed with a plate that has his initials and 48 tiny raised dots, which, when she flips open her locket she can see and touch. We made it as a ring so she is constantly aware of his presence with her. She tells me the locket helps her treasure the number of years he lived in a healing and lasting way.
"Thank you. Your work expresses both my brother and I in one piece.
Thank you. JJ"
From Joanne - Mined reCREATIONS- Cambridge, ON
"Thank you. Your work expresses both my brother and I in one piece.
Thank you. JJ"
From Joanne - Mined reCREATIONS- Cambridge, ON
Another customer was looking for a way to honour and keep with her the memory of her mother. She decided on the Treasured Locket and to make it more just for them we recorded the birthday of her mother on the back of the locket and the words always and forever inside. The locket helps as a reminder of how her mother's life goes on through her family and all the people that her mother knew through her life.
"So nice to see you at Circle Craft. I've been meaning to contact you and tell you just how much joy the locket you created for me has brought. Every part of it reminds me of my beautiful mother, and when I wear it, I feel close to her.
The unique design we collaborated on makes it truly an original , and for me, something I will cherish always."
The unique design we collaborated on makes it truly an original , and for me, something I will cherish always."
Probably the style that I get the most stories about is what I call the Splash series - but as you can see from the notes below once a piece leaves my studio, it becomes totally whatever the new owner wants it to be! Part of their own individual signature style - name and all!
The photo of all the hands was taken by me at a dinner out with fellow business owners who just happened to all show up decked out in their JLS collections :)
Yet another note about this ring came from a customer who has been wearing the Big Splash ring for well over 10 years and she had decided it was time for another.
"I've ridden camels and motorbikes; I've climbed mountains and dove the Great Barrier Reef; I've moved my home and other's homes; I've carried babies and supported the elderly; I've carried laundry and dirt.... I've done all those things and more, with this one ring, and who knows where its next generation will go?"
"I've ridden camels and motorbikes; I've climbed mountains and dove the Great Barrier Reef; I've moved my home and other's homes; I've carried babies and supported the elderly; I've carried laundry and dirt.... I've done all those things and more, with this one ring, and who knows where its next generation will go?"
This is a photo a customer took of her own hand after she received her Big Splash ring in the mail. This customer had been thinking about and wanting this ring for a long time - sometimes the waiting makes the final decision to go for it even that much more special!
Her note with this photo was simple.
"It arrived and I love it!"
Her note with this photo was simple.
"It arrived and I love it!"

I love hearing how people build their own very unique collections, picking up pieces on their travels throughout Canada and the US.
At last year's Circle Craft show I met, for the first time, a collector who had nine pairs of Joanna Lovett earrings that she had bought in various stores! This is her note.
Wedding Rings
Another couple looking to re-purpose their worn-out rings liked the style of the Muse ring too!
You can see the result - the muse ring is in Sterling silver and the repurposed small diamond set is in 14k gold. The gold from the old bands became the side twiggy. They were very happy too! Hi Joanna, I picked up my rings today and when I slipped them on my finger, I couldn't believe how perfect they were. I wanted to cry! Thank you!! I knew from the moment I spoke to you that this was going to work, that we connected and that I would have a beautiful, memorable piece of jewellery. I am so pleased and so very grateful... With heartfelt appreciation Sylvia |
Here is another remake that I did for a lovely customer.
We incorporated the essence of her Mom's old signet ring that she remembers always being on her Mom's pinkie finger into the ocean inspired muse ring. With some of the remaining gold from remaining parts of the old ring and and old chain we made her a twiggy ring to wear along side it as well as some nest earrings. She picked out a give and grow locket for a family wedding gift at the same time:) Here's what she said when she came to pick up here pieces. . "Yes I absolutely love it. Past and present represented here! I love the buttery old gold in new silver. It's a statement piece!! I like that you left the integrity of the old gold and yet made it modern and different. I didn't expect that, the integration is amazing. It looks different yet familiar! Having a bit of her Mom's ring in the earring meant so much to her as well. "Thank you Joanna. Truly lovely" Ruth, Vancouver |
This email message came in from a customer that ordered two Give and Grow Lockets for his wife and daughter through my on-line store for Christmas 2020. There were so many details I needed to ask him to personalize the lockets which took several back and forth emails that his simple note of
"Wow I am so impressed with this experience! " Bill Ontario really made my day :) |
Beautifully crafted jewelry!
Such thoughtful designs.
Thanks for telling me about the “tree” design/necklace, as well as the chain.
It gave me an idea for my granddaughter, as I know she’s learning a lot about the environment in school these days.
She will be so surprised when she receives something sooo unique.
Can’t wait to see what you have next year/Harmony Arts Festival 2025!
Such thoughtful designs.
Thanks for telling me about the “tree” design/necklace, as well as the chain.
It gave me an idea for my granddaughter, as I know she’s learning a lot about the environment in school these days.
She will be so surprised when she receives something sooo unique.
Can’t wait to see what you have next year/Harmony Arts Festival 2025!
June 10, 2021 With Father's Day coming up I am reminded of the best gift I ever gave my Dad and how it related to my recent dreaming of travels. Back in 2010 I summed up this gift I gave him in the following letter I wrote to the Rick Steves travel blog. It is a reminder to me how these special days that come up on our calendars challenge us all to connect deeper with those we love with creative gift giving! I have been without both my Mom and my Dad for many years now and it is good to think back and know that we had so many rich times together and how this gift to my Dad sparked the travel that enriched our lives and my work! :)) |
POSTED ON The Rick Steves Travel Blog
DECEMBER 9, 2010
Stoking Family Fun with Armchair Travel
I just received an email that resonates with me. Many people my age (mid-fifties) have parents who, while once avid travelers, are now winding down their lives in retirement homes and assisted-living communities. My parents and their friends now “travel” via travel shows on TV. This story illustrates how travel can still invigorate minds and bodies that don’t otherwise get out that much: (Rick Steves)
Dear Rick,
As I get ready to order a guidebook and the newest set of your TV shows, I want to share a personal story.
It all started about two Father’s Days ago, when I was pondering what to get for my Dad. My Dad was living in an assisted-living home after the passing of my Mom. He lived so close, but I could feel us losing connection. Since my Dad was now mostly bound to a wheelchair, we were both at a bit of a loss about what to “do.”
Then came an idea that changed our lives. My Dad, whose parents were born in Europe, had never been to Europe. As it turns out, he had never really thought much about Europe, as his immigrant parents wanted to start new lives and leave memories of the old country behind. I, too, had never been, and was starting to realize it was something I wanted to discover…and maybe we could discover it together. So I bought your complete set of Rick Steves’ Europe DVDs, wrapped it up, and presented it to Dad as his gift. In my card, I wrote, “With this gift, we will travel to Europe together. Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m., I will come to your home and we will watch two shows together. We’ll start with Austria, since that is where you parents were born, and we will just keep on traveling throughout the year. When we are in Austria and Germany, we’ll drink some beer; in Italy, we’ll enjoy some wine; and maybe when we are in England, we’ll get out Mom’s teacups.”
And so it continued all throughout the year. I made up a schedule and emailed it out to all of our immediate family ‘ the ones close by were welcome to join us, and often they did. Wednesday became an evening we all looked forward to. Lively discussions started as we watched the shows with our Rick Steves maps on our laps, thinking out where we had been and where we would go next. Dad made up a little notebook of our plans, and at dinner on Wednesdays, the other residents would ask him where he was off to, often leading to lively discussions of travels that would spread throughout the dining room.
About halfway through the series, I decided that I would turn my dreams into reality, and booked a month-long trip to Europe with my daughter. After that, our viewing became even more exciting, as together we discussed and debated all the places my daughter and I would go. I remember the night that Dad and I re-watched the Tuscany shows to choose which hill towns to visit. Watching the travels skills shows reassured him that my daughter and I would be safe as we traveled. When I sent back postcards, and showed Dad our photos, he was excited to see that I had actually visited the places we had “been” to together.
When my Dad heard my sister, who lived in Calgary, was planning on spending three summers in Europe doing her masters, he bought her a complete DVD set. He couldn’t imagine how she could possibly travel without them! My sister tells me that much of their telephone calls are richly filled with discussions on places to visit. Without our virtual travel, Dad would have been out of the loop. Instead, he has become an active participant.
My Dad and I, along with other family members, are continuing our Wednesday-night visits. His home is once again a place for our family to gather. And tomorrow it’s time for the European Christmas show, perhaps with a pot of mulled wine bubbling on the stove.
Thank you so much, and feel free to use our story to inspire other families to buy their parents or grandparents a gift that can really enrich the times that they have together.
All the best,
Joanna and Steve, Burnaby British Columbia Canada
DECEMBER 9, 2010
Stoking Family Fun with Armchair Travel
I just received an email that resonates with me. Many people my age (mid-fifties) have parents who, while once avid travelers, are now winding down their lives in retirement homes and assisted-living communities. My parents and their friends now “travel” via travel shows on TV. This story illustrates how travel can still invigorate minds and bodies that don’t otherwise get out that much: (Rick Steves)
Dear Rick,
As I get ready to order a guidebook and the newest set of your TV shows, I want to share a personal story.
It all started about two Father’s Days ago, when I was pondering what to get for my Dad. My Dad was living in an assisted-living home after the passing of my Mom. He lived so close, but I could feel us losing connection. Since my Dad was now mostly bound to a wheelchair, we were both at a bit of a loss about what to “do.”
Then came an idea that changed our lives. My Dad, whose parents were born in Europe, had never been to Europe. As it turns out, he had never really thought much about Europe, as his immigrant parents wanted to start new lives and leave memories of the old country behind. I, too, had never been, and was starting to realize it was something I wanted to discover…and maybe we could discover it together. So I bought your complete set of Rick Steves’ Europe DVDs, wrapped it up, and presented it to Dad as his gift. In my card, I wrote, “With this gift, we will travel to Europe together. Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m., I will come to your home and we will watch two shows together. We’ll start with Austria, since that is where you parents were born, and we will just keep on traveling throughout the year. When we are in Austria and Germany, we’ll drink some beer; in Italy, we’ll enjoy some wine; and maybe when we are in England, we’ll get out Mom’s teacups.”
And so it continued all throughout the year. I made up a schedule and emailed it out to all of our immediate family ‘ the ones close by were welcome to join us, and often they did. Wednesday became an evening we all looked forward to. Lively discussions started as we watched the shows with our Rick Steves maps on our laps, thinking out where we had been and where we would go next. Dad made up a little notebook of our plans, and at dinner on Wednesdays, the other residents would ask him where he was off to, often leading to lively discussions of travels that would spread throughout the dining room.
About halfway through the series, I decided that I would turn my dreams into reality, and booked a month-long trip to Europe with my daughter. After that, our viewing became even more exciting, as together we discussed and debated all the places my daughter and I would go. I remember the night that Dad and I re-watched the Tuscany shows to choose which hill towns to visit. Watching the travels skills shows reassured him that my daughter and I would be safe as we traveled. When I sent back postcards, and showed Dad our photos, he was excited to see that I had actually visited the places we had “been” to together.
When my Dad heard my sister, who lived in Calgary, was planning on spending three summers in Europe doing her masters, he bought her a complete DVD set. He couldn’t imagine how she could possibly travel without them! My sister tells me that much of their telephone calls are richly filled with discussions on places to visit. Without our virtual travel, Dad would have been out of the loop. Instead, he has become an active participant.
My Dad and I, along with other family members, are continuing our Wednesday-night visits. His home is once again a place for our family to gather. And tomorrow it’s time for the European Christmas show, perhaps with a pot of mulled wine bubbling on the stove.
Thank you so much, and feel free to use our story to inspire other families to buy their parents or grandparents a gift that can really enrich the times that they have together.
All the best,
Joanna and Steve, Burnaby British Columbia Canada